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12/11/2015 10:46:37 pm


Lali Singh Shahi
2/26/2016 06:53:26 am

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa WaheGuru Ji Ki Fateh Ji,
I have recently completed Santhya of Shri Dasam Granth and I feel that every Sikh should take out time to read it atleast once. Most of the people that are not in favor of Shri Dasam Granth Sahib ji Maharaj have not even read it once.(That's my take on it) Sikhs have time to watch Ramayan or Mahabharat on T.V but they are doubting Dasam Pitas Baanis without even reading it and understanding it. To me Shri Dasam felt like every part of it is connected to the next and it is like a chain. if you take one or even half of one part out then it would break the chain. I totally believe in Shri Dasam Ji Maharaj and nothing could change my mind. And I should also add that the Veer Ras Baani is not for people with weak hearts and narrow mind.


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